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Thanks for your interest in my work!
I am a longtime magazine and web journalist. For more than 20 years, I have written engaging, informative, and entertaining articles, often on quick deadlines, for numerous national consumer publications and websites, especially on the topics of health, integrative health, psychology, science, climate change/environment, parenting, and general-interest topics. I am also a former magazine editor.
My newest book is the novel Warrior Won. This yoga/mindfulness/spiritual novel, called "compelling and fun" by Foreword Reviews, won several awards, including a Bronze Medal in the Independent Publisher (IPPY) Book Awards and a Gold Medal in the Living Now Book Awards. This novel is a stand-alone follow-up to Downward Dog, Upward Fog, which was a finalist in Foreword Reviews' fiction-book-of-the-year competition. Both of these novels aim to bring uplifting, eclectic spiritual teachings into a fun women's fiction story that you can take to the beach. (These books make a great gift for your yoga-loving or spiritually-seeking girlfriends!)
My magazine articles have also won awards, including a finalist for a prestigious National Magazine Award, a first-place outstanding-article award from the American Society of Journalists & Authors, and two journalism awards from the National Health Information Awards competition.
My articles have appeared in numerous publications and websites, including the New York Times, Prevention, National Geographic, O: The Oprah Magazine, Vice, Undark, Glamour, Reader’s Digest, Good Housekeeping, Consumer Reports, Everyday Health, AARP, MindSite News, and many others. You can find a sampling of my many articles here.
I am also the author of a book of essays, Enlightened Parenting: A Mom Reflects on Living Spiritually With Kids, which was a finalist in two award competitions.
You can find my blogs about yoga, mindfulness and other topics at
I am a member of many great writing organizations, including the American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA), the Association of Health Care Journalists (AHCJ), the National Association of Science Writers (NASW), PEN America, and the National League of American Pen Women.
I am fortunate to live in beautiful South Florida, where I get to wake up every morning to this view.

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